Insights & Resources

For more than 130 years, AEM has helped advance equipment manufacturing and the agriculture and construction customers our industry serves by providing uniquely valuable insights and timely, relevant resources.

Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and the Non-Road Equipment Industry

Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and the Non-Road Equipment Industry

Certain PFAS substances perform essential functions that help non-road equipment manufacturers develop products that are safe and functional. Manufacturers also understand the environmental concerns associated with some PFAS chemicals. Pragmatic policy proposals can help guide the development of future PFAS requirements, helping manufacturers meet goals related to air quality, climate, safety, durability, sustainability, and alternative power.
Moving Forward with Alternative Power: Understanding Opportunities and Risks for the Non-road Equipment Industry

Moving Forward with Alternative Power: Understanding Opportunities and Risks for the Non-road Equipment Industry

Non-road equipment manufacturers are committed to finding viable pathways toward decarbonization and GHG emissions reduction. However, equipment users must have access to equipment that satisfies certain work requirements. Understanding the challenges manufacturers face in achieving both objectives can guide policymaking that helps drive innovation and market adoption of alternative power technologies.
Off-Road Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Scope 3 Category 11

Off-Road Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Scope 3 Category 11

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative has established a framework for measuring GHG emissions from operations, products, and value chains. AEM has drafted additional guidance that specifically addresses Scope 3 Category 11 emissions pertaining to the use of heavy-duty off-road equipment. This protocol provides definitions, calculations, and other processes to help create uniformity in how manufacturers monitor, track, and report these use-phase emissions.
Benefits of Construction Equipment Technologies and Their Impact on Society

Benefits of Construction Equipment Technologies and Their Impact on Society

Four technologies have played a key role in advancing construction equipment: machine and grade control, engines and drivetrains, digital control systems, and machine telematics. This report explores how these technologies are positively impacting construction contractors and society as a whole by improving jobsite productivity and safety, while also helping to preserve the planet. Key enablers of innovation and adoption are also discussed.


AEM’s free toolkit resources help address some of our industry’s top challenges.

  • Safety

  • Sustainability

  • Workforce

Future of Building

Future of Building

The collective expertise of the AEM Visions Team and Futures Council helps break down 10 trends that could change the way construction companies operate. Alternative power, autonomous machinery, and more are explored.
Future of Food Production

Future of Food Production

The collective expertise of the AEM Visions Team and Futures Council helps break down 13 trends that could reshape how food is produced, from technology and consumer behavior to supply chain and the environment.
Clean Air and Low Emissions Through Next-Gen Non-Road Equipment

Clean Air and Low Emissions Through Next-Gen Non-Road Equipment

Leveraging insights from the Tier 4 transition, this report offers policy recommendations to help support a reasonable transition to even cleaner equipment in the years ahead.
Ag Tractor and Combine Reports

Ag Tractor and Combine Reports

Monthly reports provide insights into how sales are trending in the U.S. and Canada for 2WD Farm Tractors, 4WD Farm Tractors, and Self-Propelled Combines. Monthly, year-to-date, and 5-year trends are analyzed.
Environmental Benefits of Precision Agriculture

Environmental Benefits of Precision Agriculture

This report examines five key technologies, quantifying their impact on farming productivity and the use of fertilizers, herbicides, fossil fuels, and water in the U.S. Auto Guidance, Machine Section Control, Variable Rate, Machine Analytics, and Precision Irrigation are examined.
Benefits of Modern Dairy Production Technologies

Benefits of Modern Dairy Production Technologies

This report quantifies the environmental benefits of innovative dairy, hay, and forage equipment in the U.S. and Canada. Modern production technologies have helped lead to increased milk yield, while simultaneously reducing emissions and the use of land, water, and feed.
Economic Impact of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry Report

Economic Impact of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry Report

This report highlights the industry’s total and direct contributions to the U.S. economy at a national, state, and congressional district level. Several datapoints are analyzed, including GDP contribution, sales output, industry employment, income tax generation, and more.
Standards Development - Autonomy

Standards Development -- Autonomy

The enormous potential of machine autonomy in the non-road industry cannot be denied. Guided by the industry consensus standards development process, autonomous equipment is already beginning to leave an indelible mark on the construction and agriculture industries. This report discusses how standards are developed, while also providing a review of current autonomy-related standards.