Technology Innovation Council (TIC)
The mission of the Technical Innovation Council (TIC) is to provide a forum for discussing the legal, regulatory, and compliance issues surrounding alternative power, autonomy, and cybersecurity. This is accomplished by performing key activities such as:
- Acquire and disseminate information regarding regulatory, safety, and technical issues.
- Provide commentary, guidance, and technical expertise during relevant regulatory rulemaking activities.
- Coordinate and monitor industry activities regarding the development of alternative power, autonomy, and cybersecurity standards.
- Promote alignment across AEM’s membership and with our international counterparts to facilitate harmonized positions on important technology issues.
The TIC acts as a steering committee for regulatory, safety, and compliance issues related to alternative power, autonomy, and cybersecurity. This is accomplished by performing key deliverables such as:
- Identify emerging issues through AEM members, industry trade associations, standards development organizations, government agencies, and regulatory contacts.
- Provide a forum for AEM members to discuss issues of concern as well as potential solutions.
- Outline appropriate AEM regulatory engagement opportunities.
- Coordinate AEM member activities to effectively respond to industry issues.
- Execute on solutions to common industry problems.
The TIC’s reporting subcommittees address key industry topics such as:
- Alternative Power Technical Committee (APTC)
- EU Battery Regulation
- Hydrogen Standards
- Battery Safety, Charging and Electric Symbols
- Autonomous Machines Coordinating Committee (AMCC)
- Cal-OSHA Autonomous Equipment Regulation
- Autonomous Symbols
- Artificial intelligence
- EU Machinery Regulation
- Cybersecurity Committee (CSC)
- NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
- Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
- Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
Product Focus
This group is a cross-sector council, addressing all five of AEM’s industry sectors:
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Forestry
- Mining
- Utilities
The TIC reports up to the Safety & Product Leadership Council (SPLC).
This open enrollment council meets quarterly and is open to all AEM member companies. There is no limit to the number of individuals that can join from any one AEM member company.
Group Leadership
Joe Flaugher
John Deere Construction
Vice Chairman
Jon Spomer
Doosan Bobcat