Manufacturers of Aerial Devices & Digger Derricks Engineering Committee (MADDDEC)
The Manufacturers of Aerial Devices and Digger Derricks Engineering Committee (MADDDEC) is a voluntary committee within the Construction Equipment Council (CEC) of the Safety & Product Leadership (S&PL) department of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). The MADDDEC’s activities shall be subject to the bylaws, regulations, and policies of AEM and the rules of order of S&PL.
The mission of MADDDEC is to promote matters of mutual interest to manufacturers of aerial devices (vehicle-mounted machines designed to position personnel, their necessary tools and materials to overhead locations) and digger derricks (multi-purpose machines designed for use by electrical and telecommunications industries to dig holes, set poles and/or to install an apparatus on the pole).
In addition, the MADDDEC focuses on industry issues including national and international standards, safety training and industry awareness including:
To develop and publish industry best practices for aerial devices equipment, digger derricks and auxiliary equipment which embody principles of simplification of sizes, consistency in terminology, and standardization of performances, certain mechanical features, and other characteristics.
To promote the common business interests of its members and of the industry as a whole.
To persue such other activities may lead to better service to the customer, and increased knowledge in the design, manufacture, and application of safer and more efficient products.
To influence, compile, disseminate, and promote knowledge and information regarding industry standards and international, national, state, & local governmental rules and regulations which may apply to the products and their use to encourage compliance.
MADDDEC promotes matters of mutual interest to manufacturers actively engaged in the design and manufacture of aerial devices equipment and digger derricks and auxiliary equipment within the United States or Canada is eligible for participation in the MADDDEC.
In addition, any member of AEM actively engaged in the following activities are also eligible:
Supplying parts, components, or equipment for aerial devices equipment, digger derricks and auxiliary equipment.
Supplying parts or equipment for systems utilizing such aerial devices equipment and digger derricks and auxiliary equipment.
Supplying machinery, equipment or other products used to manufacture such aerial devices equipment, digger derricks and auxiliary equipment.
This committee shall have the responsibility to identify, evaluate and communicate within the industry, issues concerning technical standards development, pending regulations and other issues that could impact member companies of contractor pumps, the tools, implements, assemblies and major components of these products and to provide an avenue for formulating the required industry position and action.
This shall be accomplished by receiving and evaluating information from various sources such as members of the committee, standard developing organizations, regulatory or legislative entities, the AEM Construction Equipment Council (CEC), the Technical and Safety Council (TSC), the External Liaison Committee (ELC) or special assigned task forces.
A designated representative of each member organization shall submit issues or subjects for discussion to the committee, maintain communications on the proposed issue or subject at the committee level and follow through with appropriate action. Each member of the committee shall have a voice in developing industry positions.
The committee shall be responsible for determining the priority of each issue using an “importance vs. ability to influence” methodology and for creating the documentation concerning the issue. A member of the committee will be assigned as the principal contact person for each issue.
The Construction Equipment Council shall serve as the link to outside (external) organizations when communication of industry positions is required or when AEM committee action could proactively influence the direction of the issue or subject or when immediate decisions are required to support negotiations with an outside organization.
At the minimum the MADDDEC will meet as a minimum once a year.