Forestry & Environmental Reduction Equipment Committee (FEREC)
The Committee aids machine manufacturer efforts to meet the safety and productivity needs of material reduction equipment operators and owners.
Product Group Focus
The Forestry & Environmental Reduction Equipment Committee (FEREC) serves the needs of AEM member companies who manufacture high-speed grinders (horizontal & tub), stump grinders, whole tree chippers, brush (hand fed) chippers, mulching attachments, flail delimber/debarker machinery, and low-speed shredders.
Bureau Activities
The group, formed in 2013, addresses issues of interest to member manufacturers of size reduction equipment and their major component suppliers. This includes technical and safety topics, advocating with Standards Development Organizations (SDO's) in North America and Worldwide on standards issues, advocating with government agency rulemaking processes, and working in other issues of interest to the member firms and their machine operators/owners.
The FEREC typically meets in person twice each year, with online meetings held if needed at other times. Meetings are usually held in conjunction with ISO TC23/SC15 US Technical Advisory Group (TAG), and SAE MTC4 Standard Group meetings.
Group Leadership
Scott Harms
Barko Hydraulics LLC
Vice Chair
Steven Johnson
AEM Staff Contact
Technical Manager, Safety & Product Leadership